Thursday, 4 March 2010

Jack the Spider Queen.

Jack is not Human. He has never been Human, nor will his efforts to strive to become that which he detests. Many things have been said about Jack the Spider Queen between me and his current mate, Shanice the... ... yeah. Many things which the normal Human brain cannot comprehend such as how Jack the Spider Queen has managed, after 240 years, to remain 'Human,' through all the tests, dentist visits and so on. Although my life span vastly outweighs Jack the Spider Queen's, by 25,360 years, myself and Shanice the... ... yeah, did not manage to work this out, nor, I fear we shall for many more years to come.

The biology of the create we have called Jack the Spider Queen has yet to be identified as organic material. Although he seems to feel pain, and other Human emotions, he does not seem to have such a complex Human consciousness like many other Human children. This one factor has identified and isolated Jack the Spider Queen from any other Human teenager. (Which is the form he has taken until his eggs are laid.) He will age, just like any other Human, with acne, facial hair and various other factors which determine Human teenage puberty. 

Although we know little to nothing of the species and the life-cycle of Jack the Spider Queen, but we can determine, with little evidence that Jack the Spider Queen, when ready for death, will lay 20 eggs inside his own stomach, causing it to inflated to twice, or maybe 3 times it's natural size. To accomplish such feats, Jack the Spider Queen must hibernated inside a nice, warm and enclosed environment, usually a house with central heating. Jack the Spider Queen, to allow his offspring to gestate inside the eggs and his stomach need a flesh supply to flesh to feed on once they have eaten his decaying body. This is where Shanice the... ... yeah falls into play. She becomes Jack the Spider Queen's 'wife' and lives happily until he is near to death. When he dies, the eggs will hatch, devour his remains and move onto his wife. Resulting in the new generation of, what we are calling Species 56.

1 comment:

  1. They...They're going to eat me.
    His offspring are going to eat me.
    ...It was nice, knowing this world, and all of it's people.
    But alas, I die.
